Developer Documentation


This is the authoritative developer documentation for the Moski2 Platform.

Table of Contents

1. Applications (Apps)
1.1. M2_Contacts
1.1.1. Managing contacts from another domain
1.2. M2_Content
1.2.1. M2_Content::get($contentType, [$options])
1.2.2. M2_Content::getTree($contentType, [$options])
1.2.3. M2_Content::put($contentType, $fields, [$options])
1.2.4. M2_Content::update($contentType, $fields, [$options])
1.2.5. M2_Content::delete($contentType, $nodeID, $token)
1.2.6. M2_Content::streamBinary($binary, [$streamType])
1.3. M2_Event
1.4. M2_FileManager
1.5. M2_Group
1.6. M2_Order
1.7. M2_Payment
1.7.1. Getting callback
1.8. M2_Search
1.9. M2_User
1.10. General Information About Applications
1.10.1. Return Data for Presentation
2. Utilities
2.1. M2_Content_Util
2.2. M2_Util
2.3. M2_Util_Image
2.4. M2_Validate
3. Error Handling
3.1. Logging PHP errors
4. Defining Content Types
4.1. Field Types
4.1.1. date
4.1.2. file
4.1.3. filemanager
4.1.4. image
4.1.5. link
4.2. Common Field Attributes
4.3. Field Rules
4.4. Content Callback
4.5. Controlling Content Indexing
4.6. Controlling Behavior
4.6.1. Sorting
4.6.2. Presentation in the administration
4.7. Common Issues
4.7.1. Illegal field ID attribute values
4.7.2. Sacred variable names
5. The SQL adaptor (M2_SQL)
5.1. Sikre forespørgsler
5.2. Caching af SQL-kald
6. The File System
7. Creating Shortcut URLs to the Administration